Jeff Fritz, PhD, MS, MATL, MACE Associate Director
Jeff Fritz serves as the associate director for learning and partnership development with the Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine (KNN) and is an associate professor in the department of cell biology, neurobiology and anatomy at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He received his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with additional training as a Muscular Dystrophy and NRSA postdoctoral fellowships. He has also earned a master’s degree in Transformational Leadership and recently completed a Master of Arts in Character Education through the University of Birmingham where his dissertation was titled “Human Flourishing: A North Star for Medical Education.” In addition to pre-clerkship instruction, his efforts over the past five years have focused on enhancing the medical student learning environment which include piloting and establishing programs on medical student coaching, near-peer suicide awareness and prevention, and professional identity formation at the Medical College of Wisconsin-Central Wisconsin Campus.