
Services and Support

Aiming to create a culture of flourishing and not sure where to start?

We can help — from facilitating sessions and retreats, to strategizing on specific challenges.

Spark Positive Transformation at Your Organization

With support from leaders across the KNN, unlock the full potential of teams and individuals within your organization. While engagements are tailored to your context and needs, possibilities include:

  • Plenary and Grand Rounds Presentations
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Retreat Facilitation
  • Executive Leadership Development
  • Implementation Advice



Focus Areas

Draw on deep subject matter expertise across areas including:

  • Developing Leaders for Flourishing in Medicine
  • Bridging Across Differences / Civil Discourse
  • Learner Engagement and Empowerment
  • Changing Systems, Culture, Policies and Practices

Collaboration Across the Journey

Plenary and Grand Rounds Presentations

Presentations that captivate and inspire — weaving together concepts and pathways toward flourishing with practical applications and personal connections. Provide a deeply restorative, re-energizing experience for large groups.

Interactive Workshops

Sessions carefully crafted to build knowledge, skills and community. Engage participants through powerful exercises and tools, including case studies, problem-solving and skills practice.

Retreat Facilitation

Wraparound support in refining and elevating half-day to multi-day experiences. Ensure every element of agendas, activities and framing is aligned to retreat aims, grounded in organizational values and priorities, and conducive to teambuilding.

Executive Leadership Development

Leadership coaching underpinned by an assets-based framework for organizational development. Strengthen your strategy and engage your senior leadership team in positive transformation.

Implementation Advice

Targeted sessions to support successful program/curricula development and rollout. Achieve organizational goals in a way that strengthens — not strains — your institution.


Ready to Jump-Start Transformation?

Complete the inquiry form to let us know how we can help,
and a member of the team will be in touch soon.

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